
Happy 1st birthday!!!

Mireia!!!! hope that we celebrate together the next thousand ;) thanks for everything my dear!!

this fantastic kits page is a fabulous place to create, to share and enjoy the scrapbooking hobbie, I found it for casuality and I still hooked their kits=) you can found this fantastic site here

I'm still preparing a post with my Paris trip, but I'm delayed for a terrible flu :( , just a sneak peek... has been a dream ... I want to go back =)

4 Comentários:

Pomba Mensaxeira dijo...

preciosa la tarjerta de felicidades de kits somni

Elisa dijo...

te ha quedado divina, espero tu post de Paris ansiosa, bsitos

Patricia dijo...

Hola mabel pasate por mi blog que tienes un regalito

Anónimo dijo...

Gracias por tu comentario :) uff, ha sido un alivio, jaja

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