
Monday again

With a bunch of new notices and goodies for sharing!! Let's go!!!

1.- The new Digi Dare is up!!! This week you can play with your favorite person, or you ugly person... only you can chose ;) This is my page for this entry hosted by Dawn and with Mikkel Paige like guest designer.

(click on image for credits)

New toys at Gina Miller that I'm sure you like it!! Alice in wonderland is one of my favs tales, and she's got a super kit with this theme... fantastic for sure!!!

and a fantabulous kit in The Lilypad, is super fun for play with boys and girls, perfect for the first day class, ok I looooooooooooooove it =)

You can click on the images for visit the shoppes, and hope that you will be a scrapping week! see you tomorrow!

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